Family is: a dream of shared love!
martes, 6 de agosto de 2024
sábado, 13 de julio de 2024
2024 - 1974 The heartbeat of the Pioneers
(Little House: A New Beginning in its ninth and final season)
is an American Western historical drama television series about the Ingalls family, who live on a farm on Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, in the 1870s–90s. Charles, Caroline, Laura, Mary, and Carrie Ingalls are respectively portrayed by Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, and twins Lindsay and Sydney Greenbush. The show is loosely based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's best-selling series of Little House books.
In 1972, with the encouragement of his wife and daughter, television producer and former NBC executive Ed Friendly acquired the film and television rights to Wilder's novels from Roger Lea MacBride and engaged Blanche Hanalis to write the teleplay for a two-hour motion picture pilot.
Friendly then asked Michael Landon to direct the pilot; Landon agreed on the condition that he may also play Charles Ingalls. The pilot, which first aired on March 30, 1974, was based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's third Little House book, Little House on the Prairie. The rest of the regular series premiered on the NBC network on September 11, 1974, and last aired on May 10, 1982.
During the 1982–83 television season, with the departure of Landon and Grassle, a sequel series, generally considered Season Nine for syndicated packages, was broadcast with the new title Little House: A New Beginning.
En España se estrenó el año 1975, emitiéndose los domingos en a las tres y media, aunque el primer episodio se emitió a las 10’30 de la noche, en el espacio Estrenos TV el 21 de septiembre de 1975.
Casí se ham borrado todos los recuerdos de aquellos dias. En agosto de 1975, lleve a mamá a trabajar y vivir en la porteria. En aquellos priemeros meses la porteria se abria a las 7 de la mañana del lunes y se cerraba a las 10 de la noche del domingo. Los recuerdos de la Casa de la Pradera quedan unidos a las tardes del domingo, cuando los vecinos gozaban de la quietud y televisión del domingo por la tarde y nosotras también.
La serie en España se emitió completa, Desde el 21 septiembre de 1975 a mayo de 1984. En casa dejamos de verla al final de la temporada 4, la primavera de 1979 cuando Mery pierde la vista. En aquellos días yo estaba inmovilizada para facilitar que la primera intervención de caderas, realizada en enero de 1979, fuese un éxito total. La familia Ingalls quedó allá en Walnut Grove.
El 8 d'agost de 1975 entrávem a viure-hi. Poc abans de nadal em vaig acomiadar de ca l'Escribá, per començar els meus estudis de "Certificat Escolar"
Per les festes de nadal de 1975 la familia Ingalls va entrar a les nostres tardes de diumenges i s0hi va quedar.
Chals Ingalls, el pare generós, estimat i valent.
Michael Landon el responsable del treball que ha sorgit des de la tardor de 2018.
Avui, a 9 de febrer de 2020, un àngel que s'ha guanyat les ales i accedeix a un altre nivell d'expressió de l'Amor Etern, aquell que per sempre ha de Ser Absolutament Incondicionat.
El teu treball d'àngel que ens regala tendresa i ens acompanya a contemplar a Déu en les nostres petites vides personals fins a obrir-nos a la possibilitat d`´esser Fills del l'Etern Pare/Mare que Vetlla amb nosaltres en tot moment i ens acompanya a acceptar el Present tal com és ara i aquí. Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies.
Gràcies Michael per la Presència que et dóna forma, més enllà de la forma. Som Amor Etern. Cuando en noviembre del 2018, respondiendo a mi llamado, los ángels se mostraron en el instante presente tomaron la forma de Jonathan Smith (Michael Landon) y Mark Gordon (Victor Frenc). Ellos tomaron está forma en la pluma del guionista Dan Gordon y Michael Landon él también productor y director de diversos episodios de la serie. Desde entonces, con los ángeles hemos configurado cada instante de vida. He sostenido mucha resistencia a aceptar que la vida esencial que ellos me ofrecian es la verdadera, el camino que elegimos para nuestro regresoa Casa, devolviéndole al Amor lo que siempre fue suyo. Jonathan y Mark acompañan cada instante presente. Cuando termine de ver los cien episodios de Higwat to Heaven, me llevaron a Bonanza, de Bonanza al libro que escribió, Cheryl hija de Michael Landon y su segunda esposa Lynn Noe."I Promised my Dad" en esté punto Michael fue empujándome a entrar en "Little House On The Praire". Eso le costó, hize muchar resistencia a brirme de nuevo a sentir todo el dolor de aquellos dias de 1975-2004. Hubo momento s de gozo, pero la soledad compartida con mi madre y el largo y repetido proceso quirurgico al que sometí a mi cuerpo, por formar parte de un equipo, que sobre la marcha cambió de propósito.
El recorrido de la serie transcurrio por dónde sugeria Michael Landon en la entrevista primera. Casí dos años de segunda generación y la serie fue al desenlace final: la desaparición de Walnut Grove.
Plenamente en el presente y plenos de la Gratitud de Ser equipo de acompañamiento al regreso al Amro del que nunca hemos partido.
Bella manifestación del impulso creador 2-2
Sue Ann Belluci, Maria Fair, Tther sisters, Sonya Lehman, Helane Solomon and others. Video Tribute Sue Ann Belluci 2020 "Oh My Sweet Pa"
viernes, 12 de julio de 2024
2024 April 7, Sunday. In Memoria of Michael Landon
Leslie Landon Matthews | ETTA PLUM | COZI TV
Goodbye - Hello! Friends LHOTP 1982-2024
Steve Tracy (born Steven Crumrine; October 3, 1952 – November 27, 1986) was an American film and television actor. Tracy is best known for his role on Little House on the Prairie as Percival Dalton.
1991 - 2024Michael Landon Memorial Little House On the Praire
Michael Landon es un bello cocreador junto al Eterno Creador dónde todoas estamos unidos desde el corazón. Cuando trascendió abrió camino a la vida para aaquellos que conocieron, acompañaron y siguieron su mensaje de vida: Michael Landon era amor hecho equipo, así vivió y así vive. No fue perfecto: era y es la expresión del Amor hecho hombre!
Little House On The Prairie - Behind The Scenes !
Filming Little House
Remembering the Last Farewell Yesterday and today
domingo, 7 de abril de 2024
Michael Landon interview - The 700 Club - July 7, 1982 - on Faith
miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024
1974 January 27 36th Golden Globe Awards
Michael Landon
- People's Choice Awards 1979 - Little House wins Favorite Drama
domingo, 8 de mayo de 2022
1983 January 16, Los Ingalls Hello and Googbye 5-9
March 23 1983 Goodbye part 2 - 6
martes, 26 de abril de 2022
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-3 El último adiós 1/12
Con "Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon culminó otra etapa en su dilatada vida. Una vida que en el tiempo fue corta, más en el Amor es Eterna. Michael nos muestra claramente que dónde hay un final ahí mismo está el nuevo comienzo. Ls miembros básicos del equipo se reagrupan para abrir una nueva expresión. Las personas que forman el equipo se transforman, se renuevan, algunas se van y otras llegan para que las nueva ideas puedan ser expresadas en la forma. El Amor Incondicionado reagrupa formas y sigue su Expresión Enterna:¡sempre somos amor compartido!.
El sorprendente cierre de "La casa de la Pradera o Little House on the Prairie.
Michael Landon propuso a sus compañeros dinamitar los espacios más significativos del decorado de la serie. sus compañeros entendieron con más o menos amplitud su decisicón, pero lo permitieron. Mike era productor y director de la serie al servicio de la cadena NBC. También, en muchos episodios escritor. Al final de la serie un profundo desacuerdo con algunos gestores de la cadena le llevo a tomar la decisión de dinamitar el plató, el conjuntos de decor.ados que simulaban Woulnod Grow
La Familia Ingalls - "El Último Adiós" 1/12 (The Last Farewell)
About the Archive
Death comes to all things, including successful television
series. When the inevitable occurs, most popular series like to go out with a
bang, figuratively speaking. The bang, however, was literal when the cast and
crew of NBC-TV's ''Little House on the Prairie'' filmed their last episode a
few weeks ago.
''The Last Farewell'' will be seen tonight. It concludes
with perhaps the most apocalyptic valedictory to any television series in
history: the townspeople of the fictional hamlet Walnut Grove decide to blow
their town to smithereens. And so the entire set that the company had inhabited
for the last 10 years was actually dynamited for this finale.
During its first seven years on the air, ''Little House on
the Prairie'' consistently scored in the top 10 in the Nielsen ratings. It was
one of the rare family shows to continue to hold an audience in prime time. So
the show's creators wanted to provide a memorable ending for its fans. A
Ruthless Buyer
There were a couple of reasons for the fireworks, according
to Michael Landon, the star of the show, who also wrote and directed the final
episode. Ten years ago, NBC leased a large parcel of land in the Simi Valley,
north of Los Angeles, from the Getty Oil Company and the Newhall Land and
Development Corporation. Their agreement with the owners was that when they
were through with the location they would restore it to its original state. So
when Mr. Landon and the network jointly decided to cancel the show, they knew
the elaborate sets would have to be destroyed. It was Mr. Landon's idea to
incorporate that contractual obligation into the story and dismantle the sets
on camera.
The plot he concocted has a ruthless robber-baron buying up
the town; the only protest the residents can make is to destroy their own
property rather than see it taken over by this unscrupulous rogue. ''I think it
makes for a good strong pioneer ending,'' Mr. Landon said of this violent
conflagration. ''It was also a nice catharsis for the cast and crew. There were
lots of tears when we finally blew up the town. The actors had all become very
attached to their own buildings, so it was very emotional.''
The idea that a program advocating violent destruction of
property is an affirmation of American values may raise some eyebrows, but Mr.
Landon was given a chance to realize his anarchic vision. Filming the sequence
was logistically complicated. ''We did quite a few tests first to make sure
nobody would get hurt,'' Mr. Landon explained. ''So when we finally blew
everything up, it went off like clockwork. We did it all in one day.'' Pilot
for New Series Written
Today, a visitor to the Simi Valley location would have no
idea that this sleepy cow pasture was just a few weeks ago a thriving center of
the Old West. But this reversion to a pristine state of nature is only
temporary. The combine that owns the land plans to turn it into a large
development of houses and condominiums. ''So people who want to live in Walnut
Grove will be able to do so,'' Mr. Landon said with a chuckle.
Now that his work on this series is over, Mr. Landon has
written a pilot for a new television series which he hopes to sell, and he has
also completed a feature film called ''Sam's Son,'' which is scheduled to open
in the summer, which he describes as ''a semi-autobiographical piece about my
day as a javelin thrower in high school.''
He said he felt that ''Little House on the Prairie'' had run
its course, partly because ratings were declining in the last season, and also
because Melissa Gilbert, who played his daughter on the series, had grown from
a young girl to a woman. ''I didn't think a married woman should still be
coming to her father for advice,'' Mr. Landon explained. ''But when we started
this show, we never imagined it would last this long.''
Although Walnut Grove has been destroyed, it will reappear
one last time, thanks to the capriciousness of television programmers. An
episode filmed earlier, when the town was still intact, will be shown next
Christmas. At the last minute, NBC decided to reverse the order in which the
shows were to have been shown. And how will they explain the town's
resurrection? ''Mike will probably do a voice-over for the Christmas show,''
according to Bill Kiley, a publicity agent for NBC, ''saying that this happened
a few weeks before the destruction of the town.''
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-2 Benditos sean los niños 1/17
0×02 – Benditos sean los niños
23 de diciembre de 1983
Originalmente transmitido como una película de 95 minutos (excluyendo comerciales), cuando se ofrece en sindicación, se muestra en dos partes o en su totalidad.
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-2 Benditos sean los niños 1/17
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-1 Recuerdos del ayer 1/13
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-1 Recuerdos del ayer se emitió en E.E.U.U. el 16 de diciembre de 1983 como un capitulo que duraba 95 minutos.
La Familia Ingalls T-10 E-1 Recuerdos del ayer 1/13